✨The Best Deal Around!✨

✨The Best Deal Around!✨

In the spirit of Black Friday, we are offering the Best Deal Around…a 15 minute Text Session for only $10 or a 30 minute Audio Call for only $25! Contact us at www.gruvimystics.com or download the App to your phone today. You don’t want to miss this!


Yes that’s right, Crackerjack! My mother use to say this when something was top shelf! I love using this word, I think it reminds people of getting a prize…but actually, it is about being exceptionally good!! All the psychics at Gruvi Mystics are...
✨Queen of Pentacles✨

✨Queen of Pentacles✨

I love looking at this card of the Queen as there is so many fortuitous symbols. This nurturing Queen sits on her throne, carved with symbols of what she represents. One of these symbols is a rams head, symbolic of a Capricorn and hard work. We also see flowers and...
✨Wood Sorrel✨

✨Wood Sorrel✨

     Oxalis acetosella This thriving plant is always abundant and looking lovely in my garden. It looks like a tall clover, but isn’t (though related!) At the top of this kelly green, long stem is three heart shape, flat leaves accompanied by a flower sprouting...