Cancer Season ~June 21-July 22~
By Noel Ballard, Astrologer
Welcome to Cancer Season! Welcome to Summer!
The days are long, the Sun is hot, and opportunities for growth are closer than we may think.
Each year, we kick off Cancer Season with the Summer Solstice. This is a time of renewal, a time of
nurturing soul desires, and a time of abundance as your garden is beginning to produce from the
seeds planted in the Spring. After a long and strenuous Taurus and Gemini season, this water sign
could not have come soon enough. For while we gather ourselves for the next steps on our path,
Cancer is the water replenishing us.
But what does it mean when the sign ruled by the Moon makes its daytime appearance? Let’s take a
closer look at the elements that make up Cancer to help us further understand what this season has
to offer.
First, we must begin with the element of Cancer- Water!
Water signs are known to be more in tune with emotions- whether that be their own or others. Due
to this innate connection to feelings, some say that Water signs are more intuitive.
It’s sometimes easier to think of Water signs as bodies of water- ever changing, providing
nourishment to the flora and fauna of the land, and connected to all life. I believe each Water sign to
be associated with some element of water and where I would say Pisces is to the ocean, Cancer is to
the tide.
The tide, the Moon, and emotions have been connected for centuries as representations of their ever
changing nature. The ebb and flow of the tide will forever be associated with Cancer due to its
planetary ruler being the Moon but I take it a step further. Though small and unassuming, the tide
pool is something we can also observe as having the qualities of Cancer.
These pools represent the beginning of sea life- little worlds separate from the vastness of the ocean
yet just as complex. Small critters, such as the crab itself, seek shelter here amidst the tide. This is
why I believe tide pools to be a perfect analogy for the sign of Cancer as they connect the Cancerian
aspects of protection and cultivation.
Cultivation, however, is not only found in the element Cancer is associated with but also in its
Modality can be understood by referring to it as how a sign operates within the world or perhaps
even their role in serving the world. Cancer is of a Cardinal modality. Cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer,
Libra, and Capricorn, all relate in their abilities to be the initiators.
A method of understanding the modalities was brought to my attention by a friend of mine in which
they explained that Cardinal signs are to be considered the Spoon, Fixed signs are the Bowl, and
Mutables are the Ingredients. Cardinal signs are the Spoons because they initiate the act of feeding.
They get the ball rolling whether it be through ideas or actions and this is where they thrive!
Cardinal signs are always the first sign of a season which adds to the “initiator” energy. Where
Cancer differs from other Cardinal signs is in its association to the divine feminine, the Moon, and
the Mother. Cultivation energy, in regards to these aspects, brings out themes of nurturing, rebirth,
and fertility making Cancer seem less outwardly ambitious, like Aries, and instead linked to
Maybe an easier way to conceptualize this idea is the quote, “Whatever you give a woman, she’ll
multiply and give it back.. You give a woman a house and she’ll turn it into a home.” The Cancerian
cardinal energy is the cultivation of love, of home, and of life.
We can see these recurring qualities of nurturing and connection to emotions when observing the
constellation of Cancer- the Crab.
The hard exterior provides the home for the crab while protecting the easily hurt, soft interior.
Cancers as people tend to be regarded as very emotional. Something I like to remind people is that
being emotional does not only mean sadness. All emotions, whether it be joy or anger or love, can
consume the Cancer.
The shell of the Cancer gives insight into their desire for a home, security, and sense of belonging.
The inside is the sensitive and tender feelings a Cancer can hold. The claws are a representation of
what happens when the home, loved ones, or their feelings are threatened. They are not docile
creatures but protective ones.
Finally, we come to my favorite topic- planetary rulership.
As stated previously, Cancer is ruled by the Moon- which is not a planet but a Luminary.
In a natal chart, the Moon rules emotions, comfort zone, intuition, and reaction and rules the fourth
house of home. Above all, I believe the Moon encapsulates the essence of what Cancerian energy
truly is.
Cancer is the feeling of emotions at night, the constant wax and wane of the lunar cycle. Cancer is
the divine feminine, the mother, love. Cancer is when your roommates make you dinner without
asking. Cancer is when you and a partner decide to create a life together. Cancer is when your
friends cry with you when you’ve been hurt. Cancer is the water cup at the car dealership- you are
taken care of, you are acknowledged for needing things and being alive, you are loved.
To conclude our deep dive on Cancer, I give my advice for the season:
Situations may arise where you feel you are outgrowing your old shell. Growth is on the horizon
and you must let yourself feel your emotions in order to grow into your new home. Go easy on
yourself by allowing others in. Emotions are not the enemy, merely opportunities for soul